Designing the Next Collection of Yeezy Shoes with AI

Ahmed Chikhi
2 min readFeb 3, 2023


What’s Next ? Print your own Design Shoes ?

The Yeezy brand, created by Kanye West, is well-known for its unique design and price, so with the help MidJourney I decide to design the next collection of Yeezy shoes and see if I could revolutionize the brand and maybe not depend on the costly hype coming soon.

Not interested on reading the article ? No problemo !

See the result on my Thread twitter :

The unique aspect of this experiment is that the AI model was trained on every genre and movement of art, from Pablo Picasso to Andy Warhol, this added a new and exciting dimension to my creative process, as it was able to generate designs inspired by a wide range of art styles.

See what happen when I ask to create a collaboration with the Mexican painter Frido Kahlo with Yeezy :

Yeezy X Frido Kahlo by me and AI

I also tried with the famous pop art Keith Haring

Yeezy X Keith Haring by AI and me

And my Favorite one with the photographer David Lachapelle

Yeezy X David Lachapelle by AI and me

Meantime the experiment was for me very entertaining, not everyone was sharing my enthusiasm about the use of AI in “my experimental shoes design”.

Some raised some concerns about the potential loss of creativity and originality, questioning the impact of technology on the fashion industry, I’m not sure if their words were wise, but the reaction was mixed and rough.

(An Interesting Reaction from the Designer Community 👉 on reddit.)

The integration of a new technology is complex, the conversation must continue in order to consider the benefits and drawbacks of such integration.

What if, for example, Tomorrow 3D printing technology evolves to the point where we can print our own shoes, who will receive payment for the design ? Yeezy ? Adidas ? David Lachapelle ? Pablo Picasso Family ? AI ?

Or ME ? 🤑🤑🤑

There is no conclusion to make, but we need to start a real conversation.

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